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格蘭英語於1980年創立於現敦南總校大樓,為台灣學習英語風氣之啟蒙。除了成人及兒童英文課程,更因為優質教學口碑,受許多知名企業青睞,而成立了外事教學部 ( GRAM English Services) 及展業部、加盟部。    GRAM was established in 1980, beginning with its Dun-Nan school in downtown Taipei. Today, as one of the leading language learning institutes in Taiwan, GRAM currently operates more than 200 school locations, with over 1000 employees and tens of thousands of students, including children from age 5 to top executives in a variety of business corporations. For the past 29 years, GRAM has also operated its own Franchise Department, GRAM Childrens Service Department, and GRAM English Services – popular with many domestic business corporations – to ensure the quality of our English learning programs.   因為格蘭兒童金色教學計畫,口碑深受消費者認同肯定,應家長需求,於1999年成立了派普爾美式幼兒學校,提供5~6歲幼兒全天候美語環境,並與 ICRT合作出版『格蘭英語雜誌』,使英文學習更多元化,並切合生活實際需要。因此格蘭不但提供兒童美語、成人美語,更致力於幼兒美語教學。    格蘭英語在這塊土地邁向第29個年頭之際,靠著優良嚴謹的教學口碑,在全台灣各點成立了無數的分校,培育出無數的國際菁英。   Because GRAMs Modern Childrens Program has been highly popular among parents, we have also established the Piper American School, providing a whole-day English program for children aged 5 and 6. Additionally, GRAM has cooperated with ICRT, the islands only English radio station, to publish GRAM Digest and to provide an overall more diverse learning environment for its students. Drawing upon its many years of experience, its excellent teachers and its diligent students, GRAM is making its best effort to conduct and promote the governments “English for All” policy.    As GRAM approaches its 29th year in Taiwan, we are proud of our quality English programs which have helped many of the islands students become excellent English-speakers.
TA SHUAN Co. Ltd was established in 1999, located at Lot No. 7-9-11, Road No. 1, Tan tao Industrial Park, Binh Tan District, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam, with factory area 12000 square meters Our scope is from the mold making to the plastic product injecting, all processes are done by Ta Shuan Company. All the products of plastic ware are exported to Taiwan, South Korea, Italy, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, USA, Mexico … Our production capacity for exportation reaches more than fifty 20 containers per month. Since 2007, in order to increase the production capacity for meeting requirement of E.U customers, Ta Shuan Co. Ltd has invested an other factory with the name Pao Yeng Company located at Lot 8, No. 7 Road, Tan Duc Industrial Zone, Duc Hoa District, Long An Province, Vietnam, with factory area 15000 square meters We will be able to perform all tasks from design to finish by using computer 3D-Modeling & Design, mold processing & Making with CAD-CAM and CNC technology. We also can produce new plastic wares by using extrusion machines, Injection machines, assembling and packaging for export. Our production capacity will be over 60 containers per month. With our full set equipment, we can open new mold for producing 20 items per month. At the being time, we have about 800 items of plastic household ware in our catalog. Most of these products were plastic household ware, kitchen plastic ware, plastic stationary, computer plastic peripheral, bathroom plastic accessory, garden plastic tool, garden plastic decoration item, poly resin gift ware (hand-made) … By that way, we are the only one plastic manufacturer (from designing & making mold to producing the plastic products) in Vietnam who can produce plastic ware products which designed for EU market.
模範市場研究顧問股份有限公司於1983年正式在台灣設立,是台灣市場調查研究的領導品牌之一。目前我們在台灣有三個事業單位:(1) TNS Research International, (2) Kantar Worldpanel及(3) Kantar Health,均隸屬於英國最大的整合行銷傳播集團WPP旗下的Kantar集團,《財星》五百大企業中,超過半數為Kantar集團之客戶。 (1) TNS Research International:全球官網 www.tnsglobal.com TNS於2009年與Research International合併後,已成為全球最大的專案市場研究機構,於全球80個國家提供最優質的市場研究服務,並擁有15,000名全職員工和全球最廣大的研究、洞悉及顧問網絡,提供客戶具備消費者洞察且可實際執行的專案建議,幫助客戶能夠依此做出更有效的企業決策。 TNS RI提供全面的產業相關知識,涵蓋一般民生消費品、科技通訊、金融、汽車、健康醫療以及社會議題調查等六大產業,研究方向遍及所有行銷活動或企業營運所面臨的議題,尤其專精於「產品開發與創新研究」、「品牌與溝通策略研究」、「企業關係人管理研究」、「零售與消費者研究」等四大領域,具備執行各式量化與質化調查專案的能力,並且擁有一系列獨特的專案分析模組、強大的執行能力和全球知識網絡作為後援。 (2) Kantar Worldpanel:全球官網 www.kantarworldpanel.com 我們在消費者指數研究領域領銜全球,分佈全球五十幾個國家的顧問團對應用獨家研究方案與先進分析,協助客戶瞭解消費者的商品購買、使用與行為背後的態度。我們協助客戶擬定策略、管理戰術達四十餘年;我們熟悉買者與通路生態;我們經由產品、品類、區域經營環境各方面,發掘成長契機。 我們的專業紮根於確切的量化證據,這證據已成為各國當地及跨國消費性商品大廠的市場貨幣,此外,自有品牌廠商、生鮮食品供應商、零售通路、市場分析師、官方組織亦然。而在民生消費品外,我們尚有各種領域的指數研究,諸如娛樂、通訊、石油、時尚、個人保養、美妝、嬰幼兒、隨手食品。 (3) Kantar Health:全球官網www.kantarhealth.com Kantar Health is a leading healthcare-focused global consultancy and marketing insights company. Powered by an unmatched breadth of competencies and depth of insight, we are the leading next-generation decision support partner, providing our clients with evidence-based business guidance to support their global and local success. We have offices in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, which means that Kantar Health offers clients local experts that range from the G7 countries to the important emerging markets in Latin America and Asia-Pacific. Our local experts form a global network that gives clients the best of both worlds.
它是時間的恩賜,造物的精靈 它變幻著身姿 時而璀璨金黃,時而滴翠流光 時而晶瑩剔透,時而渾厚端莊 然而無論如何變幻莫測 焦點所在,貴氣天成 于一切繁華富麗中展現最讓人驚豔的絕色 如夜空中的恆星 穿越時空的流沙 恆古璀璨 大千世界中 它是真、是珍 是凡人不可仰望的遙遠尊貴 直到有一天 我們幫它建立了它的王國 為它加冕 並在它的王冠上銘刻的永恆尊貴的印記 ADAMANT STONE 認識的人 People who know it 知道這是一個石材企業的標誌 It is a symbol of one enterprise 了解的人 People who understand it 知道它是A Stone 的標誌 It is the symbol of A Stone 擁有的人 People who own it 才懂得它是負責,重信譽的標誌 It is the symbol of responsibility and credit
Orez Taiwan is establisehd in July, 2011 as a foreign investment company specializing German Cosmetic Brand of " Frei". Orez Korea has an exclusive for sales of Frei in Asia market and Orez Taiwan is in charge of all the sales marketing activities in Taiwan. Orez Taiwan will be promoting all the brand of Frei line from Hydroid, Sentstive, Antiaging, Bio and Urea line. Especially Frei Pflege Oil is the number one of market share for Anti-stretch mark in Germany and Korea. Orez Taiwan will expland their market with Frei in soon. 歐瑞斯國際有限公司為一新設立之外資投資公司,專營德國frei品牌之保養品批發零售。frei亞洲區獨家代理權由韓國Orez Korea取得,Orez Taiwan將負責台灣區之銷售,將frei優良的保養品推廣給國內使用者。
歐立利國際設計集團1988年崛起於德國,於設計中將創新結構與材質巧妙融合與運用,兼容包浩斯實用美學與裝飾主義風格,並蓄德意志專精求是之巨匠精神。充分體現成熟穩健,成就經典的用心與實力。 <技術是我們堅持的信仰,誠信服務是我們的驕傲。> =傑出的國際運籌能力= 立業以來,歐立利便不斷與全球之展覽專業團隊緊密合作與聯繫,薈萃各地人才智慧,形成高效完善的全球服務網路。因為我們體認到,惟有一套巨細靡遺的全球化資源整合操作系統,才是對客戶最大的利益保障。時空同步使歐立利對於國際展覽市場動態感知敏銳;資源共享方式使集團內各公司團隊隨時獲取最新的全球展覽資源、訊息與技術。歐立利即以此完整提供各廠商高時效、高精確的品管保障。 =為了再創經典= 除了創意設計的追求之外,我們更深信:每次的圓滿成功都是每個回饋的開始,每個完美經典都是每次創新的原點。 =鎖定市場脈動= 歐立利以完整的德國核心經驗為基底,融合區域性行銷模式,靈活切合市場脈動。多年來歐立利不斷地在世界頂尖之大型IT產業展覽中現身: 德國漢諾威電腦展CeBIT、美國拉斯維加斯消費性電子展CES、慕尼黑Electronica、柏林消費性電子展IFA、台北電腦展COMPUTEX、杜拜電腦展 GITEX、上海電腦展CeBIT ASIA等。 =高度跨國性資源整合= 歐立利擁有堅強、完備的國際支援調度及現場應變能力。這樣的優越條件,讓歐立利隨時為客戶鎖定最佳展覽商機,提供全方位的參展諮詢及設計服務。 有鑒於中國已漸成為世界經濟重要版圖,歐立利已於2001年8月在中國上海成立據點,擴展更便捷更寬廣質精的服務網域。我們於展前提供完整的展覽及諮詢服務,以因應整體企業的需求,解決廠商對參展資訊的疑慮,完整掌握參展先機。此外歐立利除歐洲、亞洲擁有三大據點外,專屬的施工組織更遍及全球各大展覽都市。 Established in 1988, Olily is an organization with outstanding global capacity. We provide hands-on knowledge of the key exhibition venues in the world and have a network of partner companies who work with us to fulfill the building of high quality booths anywhere. OLILY EXHIBITION INTL CO.,LTD. (Dusseldorf) 杜塞朵夫-德國 OLILY EXHIBITION INTL CO.,LTD. (Taipei) 台北-台灣 OLIVON EXPO TEAM LIMITED(Shanghai) 上海-中國
Alkalite LED Technology Corp. was founded in 2000 which provide pioneering services in the world of lighting. We design, manufacture, and sale high quality lighting products to customers. Generally, LED lighting save 80% power compare with traditional bulb. Our goal is contiuing to provide good quality and service to our custmers at same time crate a better enviornment by using green products. We are welcome to anyone who has passion and positive personality to join us in the big family. Alkalite 品牌成立於2000. 我們專業於設計,生產, 同時銷售高品質的產品給我們的客戶.LED產品相較於一般燈泡更能有效的節能省電.我們的目標是提供好的產品與服務給客戶同時也能為地球進一份心力推廣綠能產品. 我們竭誠的歡迎有熱情,積極正面的專業人才加入我們!
本加盟店成立於民國78年,並於95年7月與永慶加盟總部簽約,正式加入房仲四大品牌之ㄧ。公司成員,質精且優,蔚為房仲業的清流,平均學歷均為專科以上,不乏法律系,經濟系與電機系高材生,公司像是個合諧的大家庭, 除了工作以外,彼此在生活上亦互相關照,此一現象,也造成本公司人員流動率低於業界其他公司,現在因應100年度作業需求,七堵區兩間永慶不動產聯合徵才。 業務內容部份: 我們的業務範圍除了一般房屋的買賣租賃之外,還包含了商業仲介的範疇,客戶群遍及各大企業,許多上市上櫃公司亦是我們的服務對象,這是在我們與其他仲介公司最大的區別,相對的,人才選擇上我們比其他公司更加嚴謹,但不以學歷作絕對評斷。 97~98年度業務績效: 本公司績效在不景氣的97年度,店業績榮獲北區第二季第二名,第三季第三名的佳績,個人獎項部份第一名,第二名第十二名,第十五名都在我們公司,競賽家數共53家,人數約480人,99年度:本公司共創造了3位20 單月業績百萬經紀人,若您也想加入the best of the best的行列,請用最有效率的方式讓我們知道。 福利部份: 我們固定提撥福利金,從大家的身裁就會輕易發現,我們的福利不錯,在不平凡的97年度,我們更以夥伴們的年資提撥了員工分紅,聚餐方面我們上過台北101的85樓,也去過故宮晶華,團體旅遊部份:當別人在台灣環島時我們人在巴里島,當別人還在怪罪景氣差時,我們的制服全面換新裝,正常的勞健保與三節奬金自然沒少過。 人才養成部份: 我們內部教育訓練有別於傳統訓練模式,結合許多視覺化圖表與體驗式教學,讓你與別人有雙不同的眼睛看這個世界,授課人員,大多為TAIWAN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM 的畢業生與TAIWAN PARTNERSHIP 的結業夥伴(他們的客戶群如寶僑,嬌生,花旗銀行、台積電等),我們從心出發,引導每位工作夥伴自己對自己定目標,並協助夥伴達到目標,工作人員與主管的關係,像球員與教練,並以造就能獨當一面的高階業務人才為培訓目標,創造力與領導力加上積極的人才養成是我們在業界能持續領先的原因,如果您對這份看似平凡的工作有興趣,請用最有效率的方式讓我們認識您。 特別說明: 在不景氣的年代,仍有許多同業在徵才,我們沒有比別人高的起薪,我們沒有比別人大的集團,我們卻願意創造一個優秀的舞台,讓有志一同的工作夥伴,創造高薪,並創造更多可能,我們團隊屬於務實行動派,不喜歡畫大餅及創造本夢比,不過卻常會上到上市櫃公司的公報裡,如果你考慮從事不動產業,歡迎選擇我們,玩一個比別人大的遊戲。
Established in 1996 Winchip Technology Corp. was founded in 1996, Bring together expertise in the area of memory products design, reliability engineering, manufacturing, and product marketing.To meet its leadership responsibility to the industry, the company’s core competence is 1. to stay at forefront of new technologies 2. to satisfy customer needs through innovation 3. to deliver service in a fast/ save client/server model 4. to focus on market product demand   Winchip will continue to focus on expanding and enhancing its current products through an aggressive research and development, and marketing program. We are making every effort to stay ahead for the benefit of the user of our products. Therefore, we all strive continuously to maintain our ability to accept change to secure our future 永采科技資訊股份有限公司創立於1996年,一向秉持踏實、誠信之經營理念在這競爭的世代中穩健成長。    我們以自我研發的軟硬體,致力於DRAM領域的測試、製程、品質改善為目標,並且在技術能力與品質標準上努力領先同業,並通過ISO9001:2008認證。 在DRAM產業裡,堅持與廠商客戶共同努力,締造更好的績效。 期盼秉持相同理念的你,成為我們的夥伴。
T.I.L. GROUP CO.,LTD. ( TIL ) member of China International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFA), is a Class A Forwarding company licensed by People’s Republic of China and holding a NVOCC (Non -Vessel Operating Common Carrier) license from the Ministry of Transportation of China. Incorporated in 2004, TIL started operations in Shenzhen and Shanghai and now has expanded its operations in Guangzhou , Xiamen , Qingdao, Xingang , Wuhan & Taiwan, with more than 10 year of experience in international shipping lines and logistics, with dedicated professional team that has been specializing in the domestic , international and multimodal transportation services. TIL main expertise is in the following services: ‧ Air & Seafreight cargo ‧ Tank container international operation ‧ Tank container domestic operation ‧ Tank container & special container lease & sales ‧ Flexibag Operation & Sales ‧ Customs Brokerage in China ‧ Inland Transportation & Warehouse Service ‧ Door to door one-stop transportation ‧ Project Logistics ( Oversize cargo , Drumming & distribution …. ) TIL services extend worldwide, with a network covering: ‧ Asia - China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, to Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, India , Pakistan and Iran ‧ Europe – Belgium,Germany,France,Netherlands,Spain,Italy and UK ‧ Americas - USA, Mexico & Brazil With its reliable equipment leased from the world’s largest tank container & special container owners and its global logistical network, TIL is totally dedicated to providing its customers with one-stop tailor-made, efficient , safety and reliable logistical services.
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